Author Archives: Relocation America International

About Relocation America International

Relocation America is a full service relocation management company committed to providing exceptional relocation services in both the origination and destination locations worldwide.

4 Refreshing Organization Tips

Which is more refreshing? An ice-cold lemonade or a perfectly organized junk drawer? Or how about this take on these organizational hacks while treating yourself to a springtime lemonade. Better yet, use the kids’ spring break to delegate these to-dos into their daily chores, too. Our hope is you’ll have more time to enjoy the spring weather after implementing these hacks!

Staying organized is easy if you have the structures in place to support your success. There’s no better time than the spring to get these systems started. With summer approaching, added messes and chaos are expected, but these hacks will help you keep the house clean and presentable (well, at least most of the time).

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Corral Clutter With a Tray

Head to your nearby Home Goods and find a cute tray to set on the ottoman or coffee table in your living room. Acting as a “catch all,” this tray will help organize magazines, books and coasters. Not to mention, it will also help you keep track of your Apple TV remote.

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Put Open Shelving in the Kitchen

Open shelving is a new trend in the world of kitchen design. The good news? It forces you to donate the stuff you don’t use while keeping the stuff you do use nice and tidy. Organize your plates, bowls and cups onto floating shelves. Stack your cookbooks up, add a few potted succulents and your kitchen will be on point at all times.

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Place a Lazy Susan in Your Fridge

Cleaning out the fridge is probably at the top of everyone’s “Least Favorite Chores” list. Finding old and moldy sauces and foods shoved in the back is the worst. To prevent this problem, place lazy susans on a few shelves. This way, everything you’ve got in stock will be on display and easily accessible in the fridge. Let no avocado go forgotten again.

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Use Laundry Room Pedestals

Spring calls for better weather for parks and hiking nature trails. But with all of that fun comes a lot of dirty laundry and muddy clothes. You can save a ton of space in your laundry room while adding improved organization by putting your washer and dryer on a pedestal. If there’s a handy man (or woman) in your household, this pedestal can be easily built or you can catch one on sale at Home Depot.

Place baskets inside the pedestal to separate the sweaty, muddy clothes and make your laundry experience at least a bit more enjoyable.

Navigating Economic Horizons: Michigan’s Outlook for 2024

The recent Detroit Economic Club Meeting provided a platform for key figures in Michigan’s economic landscape to discuss the state’s outlook for 2024. With a diverse panel comprising Hilary Doe, Chief Growth Officer for Michigan; Quentin Messer, Chief Executive & Economic Competitiveness Officer at MEDC; Gabe Erlich, Quantitative Economics UofM; and Daniel Howes as the moderator, the meeting delved into various aspects of Michigan’s economic landscape.

Survey Results and Outlook: The meeting began with the unveiling of survey results, reflecting the sentiments of over a thousand businesspeople and groups in Michigan. Notably, 42% expressed a positive outlook for 2024, 30% held a negative perspective, while the remainder remained undecided. These results set the stage for a discussion on the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Economic Recovery and Challenges: Gabe Erlich, the Quantitative Economics expert from UofM, highlighted the ongoing recovery from a soft patch in Michigan’s economy. He identified the current higher interest rates as a challenge for key industries such as automotive, mortgage, and building trades. However, Erlich expressed optimism that falling inflation rates would enable the Federal Reserve to shift its focus from combating inflation to supporting growth, potentially offering relief to Michigan. He anticipated improvements in the state’s economic landscape in the second half of 2024 and into 2025.

Addressing Talent Retention: A significant portion of the discussion focused on the challenges of attracting and retaining young professionals in Michigan. Hilary Doe emphasized the importance of a higher median income, walkable transit, and increased college degree attainment. These factors, according to Doe, are common denominators in faster-growing states and can significantly contribute to boosting economic metrics.

Three-Pronged Growth Strategy: Quentin Messer outlined a comprehensive three-pronged approach to drive growth in Michigan—People, Places, and Projects. By emphasizing the interconnectedness of these three elements, Messer stressed the importance of winning in each segment. He encouraged a positive narrative about Michigan, cautioning against negative self-perception. Strategic storytelling, he argued, is essential to highlight the abundant opportunities within the state.

Collective Efforts for Thriving Success: Throughout the panel discussion, the importance of collective efforts emerged as a recurring theme. The speakers underscored the need for unity in overcoming challenges and positioning Michigan as a thriving state with vast potential. As the state navigates economic changes, the panel emphasized that leadership, innovation, and a commitment to sustainability will be key factors in ensuring long-term success.

With a mix of cautious optimism and strategic planning, Michigan aims to overcome economic hurdles and position itself as a vibrant and promising hub for growth in the coming years. As the state continues to evolve, the collaborative efforts of its leaders and communities will play a crucial role in shaping a prosperous future.

Essential Housekeeping Tasks for a Cozy Winter Home

The season’s first snowfall is a reminder to complete some essential housekeeping tasks that will not only keep you warm and cozy but also get your home winter ready. 

Gutter Check and Cleanup: With the snow already gracing our landscapes, it’s important to address your gutters promptly. Clear away any snow and ice accumulation to prevent potential damage. Keep an eye out for ice dams, ensuring that your gutters remain free-flowing to safeguard your roof and home.

Seal Gaps and Cracks: The winter chill is here, and a well-sealed home is key to keeping the warmth in. Take a stroll around your home, inspecting windows and doors for drafts. Apply weather stripping or caulk to seal any gaps, allowing you to enjoy a cozy, energy-efficient space. 

Furnace TLC: With snowflakes dancing outside, your furnace becomes a vital ally. Schedule a professional maintenance check to ensure it’s operating at peak efficiency. A well-maintained furnace not only keeps you warm but also helps cut down on energy costs.

Winterize Outdoor Tools: Properly store lawnmowers, hoses, and gardening tools. Drain any remaining fuel from equipment to prevent damage, ensuring they’ll be ready for use when the thaw arrives.

Protect Outdoor Plumbing: Frozen pipes can be a concern in the freezing temps. Disconnect and store garden hoses, and insulate outdoor faucets and pipes. In exceptionally cold weather, allow faucets to drip slightly to prevent freezing. These precautions go a long way in avoiding the inconvenience and expense of dealing with burst pipes.

As the snow continues to transform Michigan into a winter wonderland, take a moment to complete these essential housekeeping tasks. Embrace the beauty of the season knowing that your home is well-prepared for the challenges that winter may bring.